Rest relaxed in the uncontrived
nature of mind

Kalu Rinpoche discusses the Shangpa Monlam
This is your home.
This is my home.
This is our home.
Always feel comfortable to come back.
This is the place where we go to let go of our depression.
This is the place where we overcome our confusion.
This is the place where we can recognize the positive quality which we all have.
This is the place to recognize the nature of mind.
— Kalu Rinpoche
KSC News

Long Life Offering to His Holiness the Dalai Lama
On May 18, 2024, Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche convened 180 representatives from worldwide Shangpa Lineage centers to receive a Mahakala blessing and make a long life offering to His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamshala, India. Board members Kristienne McFarland and Hank Minnick joined KSC Director, Lacey Segal and sangha members Mary Cutler and Valeta Gregg to represent KSC. On the slideshow to the left, there are images from the event itself as well as the Tibet Museum, The Dalai Lama Temple Complex/Circumambulation loop, Norbulingka and other prominent sites in Dharamshala.
Read Lacey Segal's essay about attending the event.

Kalu Rinpoche 2023 Visit
KSC was honored once again to receive a wonderful visit from Kyabjé Kalu Rinpoche in June of 2023. He taught a weekend Niguma Yogas retreat at the Ashland Hills Hotel, and then shared a very personal teaching with the Dharma Kids who gathered at the temple. These are some photos of this very special occasion.
New Years 2023 and 2024 Flower Mandala and Kora
On January 1st, 2023, members of the KSC community came together to make aspirations for the new year by adding a flower to an outdoor flower mandala. Together, sangha members circumambulated the gompa and the stupa, spun the prayer wheels, recited mantras, and imbued the grounds with open hearted-awareness and compassionate presence. Even in the winter, KSC's garden was looking vibrant while members re-connected with each other and paused for moments of meditation in this sacred space.

Volunteer Appreciation Party 2022
KSC’s three lamas hosted a volunteer appreciation party on November 19th, 2022. It was a way to offer a deep bow to the many hands that come together to make all that we do here at KSC possible. It was also the first time that this event has been held in three years, due to the pandemic. Sangha members enjoyed mingling, visiting with each other, and listening to a short dharma talk. Some volunteers were moved to share gratitude as well as what KSC has meant to them over the years. Overall, it was a successful and meaningful event. Thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers who support out dharma home!
Kalu Rinpoche Ser Cho Ling 2022
KSC’s three lamas and eight sangha members traveled to Ser Cho Ling, a rural retreat center near North Fork, California, to celebrate Losar (Tibetan New Year) with Kalu Rinpoche, lineage holder for the Shangpa Kagyu lineage. We received the Mahakala empowerments, and participated in four days of practice designed to clear the energies of the old year, to make space for a new lunar year to begin. The host community and their leader, Wangchen Rinpoche, provided a warm welcome and generous facilities for about 60 people to attend and celebrate in the sunny countryside of the Sierra Foothills. On our last day, we all celebrated the new year with the Niguma Empowerment, strong wishes for a peaceful and beneficial new year, and the traditional tossing of tsampa (roasted barley flour) into the air!

Kalu Rinpoche at KSC 2022
During a five-day visit to KSC, Kyabjé Kalu Rinpoche gave teachings on Niguma’s Amulet Mahamudra, as well as the empowerments and practice of Four Tantric Deities and Sukhasiddhi Long Life. He took time to meet with the KSC board of directors, as well as meeting with the lamas on several occasions. KSC can look forward to seeing Rinpoche again, as he indicated that he would return next winter.
June 2020 marks the 20th Anniversary of Lama Pema and Lama Yeshe teaching the Dharma in Ashland and the 10th Anniversary of opening the doors to our beautiful Center. We invite you to celebrate these great blessings for our sangha. Here is a video compilation of pictures we found. Please enjoy!!
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